How I made $2945 in February 2020 whilst raising my children and living a great life!

How I made $2945 in February 2020 whilst raising my children and living a great life!

Welcome to my first income report! Some people say that I am crazy to publish my income but in order to help people I have chosen to publish my income from Kanoobi. This is my first income report as I just started out with my blogging venture. I have been working for myself for more than 8 years and I have strong client base with my digital design agency and most of my incomes is currently still being generated through the digital services that I provide.


I want to publish my income reports because I want to track my success and growth. If you are reading this and have some advice for me, you are welcome to send me a message.

I always try and offer my clients 2 options for growing their businesses and blogs. The one option is DIY solutions where I introduce you to the best products where you can grow your business with business solutions that are very helpful. The other option that I offer is through the digital agency services that I provide. These services is something that I have developed over 20 years in the industry and have been proven great success to fiends and clients, well most of my clients become friends, because we partner together for you success.


My blog is a no fluff transparent blog and yes it might not be amongst the top blogs currently but that is where I am heading. One thing I do promise is that I will be transparent about my journey as I am learning how to tell my story in a digital world.


On my income report I want to post the following:

  • Monthly report
  • Activity report
  • Next month’s goals
  • What is happening in my life



Most of the income that you will see here is currently from my digital marketing services as I am only now growing into the blogging world, but I will keep you updated as I learn and grow.

I will also list the income that I want to grow in the future for Kanoobi even through they might reflect zero. Don’t laugh blogging is tough…😊 but I am giving it my everything.




How To Start A WordPress Blog On Bluehost

10 Things Every Small Business Website Needs

10 Highest Earning Blogs in 2020

10 Best Financial Blogs in 2020

20 Steps to start your business



I changed my Kanoobi agency website into my blogging website and have done a ton of content and design changes. Form my story to my first income report.

  • Changed the design and branding of Kanoobi.
  • Changed the SEO structure and strategy for Kanoobi
  • Changed the Social Media platform of Kanoobi
  • Signed up for affiliate marketing accounts
  • Started with SEO for Kanoobi
  • Started with Pinterest for Kanoobi


Articles and design changes that I really like:



Kanoobi Hosting Services: $697

Kanoobi Monthly SEO Services: $1143

Kanoobi Web Design Service: $1105

Affiliate Marketing: $0

Sponsored Posts: $0

Total: $2945

This took a lot of work and I have put in about 80 hours into all of this over the last 2 weeks in February, but it is very fulfilling and I love how everything is coming together. I am also connecting with more people in the blogging community and growing my brand.



For march I am planning to do a ton of Pinerest and publish about 20 new articles for Kanoobi as well as do SEO.

Until I hit the sweet spot and start making income from affiliate marketing and sponsored blogs, I will focus on the blogging development for the website. It is quite humbling to learn SEO from a blogging perspective as it is way different from what we have done for local businesses which I have mastered over the past 20 years, but I LOVE THE NEW CHALLENGE! Bring it on!

Ps. My great discovery in SEO in February 2020 was how other bloggers do their SEO… very cool!



I am still developing my writing skills as well as I come from a design and code background. The more I write the more I love it and I actually find it therapeutic to write.

My wife is doing very well at her work and she loves working in the fitness industry. My son has been included in the A&B side hockey practise group for this season at his High School and my daughter discovered that she loves to swim and has taken it up very seriously even though she is only 8. Obviously, I am a very proud of them and love being able to be apart of their growing journey in life. I also love this new blogging journey, being able to tell my life story as well as to grow my business.

Life is good and I love this new journey!

Kind Regards


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